What Can Cause Lower Back Pain in Women?


What Can Cause Lower Back Pain in Women? 

Lower back pain can be caused by several conditions, numerous of which can affect people of any gender. In some cases, downward back pain can also be related to your menstrual cycle or other factors, including gestation or endometriosis. Back pain in women has numerous possible causes. Some are associated with conditions specific to women, while others can be to anyone. In this composition, we'll take a near look at the possible causes of low back pain in women and when it's important to see your doctors for opinion and treatment. 

Low back pain causes specific to women: 

Some causes of low back pain are specific to women. These include the conditions listed below. 

Premenstrual pattern ( PMS ): 

PMS is a condition that numerous women experience before their periods. It has numerous implicit symptoms, and you presumably will not have all of them. In general, symptoms include:

• are fiscal control. 

• small back pain. 

• headache 

• fatigue 

• bloating 

• are emotional and behavioural secrets. 

• mood swings 

• eating habits 

• anxiety. 

• difficulty concentrating. 

PMS generally starts a day before the period and ends within a day or two of the field. 


Endometriosis is a condition where the towel that lines the uterus, known as endometrial towel, grows outside the uterus. With endometriosis, this towel frequently grows on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other pelvic apkins . It can indeed grow around the urinary tract and bowel. 

Pain is the most common symptom of endometriosis. Other symptoms include: 

• veritably painful menstrual cramps. 

• pain during or after coitus. 

• lower back and pelvic pain. 

• pain when you have a bowel movement or urination when you have your period. 

Endometriosis can also cause bleeding or finding between ages. Digestive problems like bloating and diarrhoea can also be common, especially during your period. Endometriosis can make it delicate to get pregnant. 


Back pain is common during pregnancy. This happens as your center of graveness shifts, you gain weight, and your hormones relax your ligaments in medication for labor. 

Most women witness back pain between the fifth and seventh months of gestation, but it can start much before. You're more likely to have back pain during gestation if you formerly have lowe
r aftproblems.The most common localization of pain is below the midriff and in the tailbone. You may also have pain in the center of your back in the lumbar region. This pain may radiate into your legs. 

Other low back pain causes:

There are also causes of lower back pain that can affect anyone of any gender. Some of the most common causes include the ensuing conditions:

Muscle strain: 

Muscle or ligament strain is one of the most common causes of lower back pain. It can be caused by 

• Repetitive stress. 

• awkward bending or twisting. 

• unforeseen awkward movement. 

• overstretching of muscles or ligaments still, it can ultimately cause back spasms, If you keep doing movements that strain the muscles. 


Sciatica is a symptom caused by contraction or injury to the longest whim-whams in your body. This is the whim-whams that travels from the bottom of your chine through your butt and down the back of your legs. 

Sciatica causes a burning pain or pain that feels like a jolt in your lower back. It generally extends to one leg. In severe cases, you may also have leg impassiveness and weakness. 


 A herniated slice is when one of the discs that cover your chines gets compressed and bulges outward. This can ultimately lead to a ruptured slice. This is the nerve that travels from the bottom of your spine through your butt and down the back of your legs

A herniated slice can also be caused by trauma. This becomes more likely as you get older. The lower back is the most common place for a herniated slice, but it can also be in your neck.

Disc degeneration:

 As you age, the discs in your chine can begin to wear out. Degeneration can also be caused by injuries or repetitious movements. Most people develop some degree of slice degeneration after age 40. It does not always cause pain, but it can cause severe pain in some people. Degeneration is most common in your neck and lower back. The pain may radiate to your buttocks and shanks and may come and go. 

Home remedies for low back pain still:

If you can try the following home remedies to relieve your lower back pain If your back pain is due to conditions related to your period or muscle tension:.

Heating pad. A heating pad applied to the back can stimulate rotation, which in turn allows nutrients and oxygen to reach the back muscles. 

Warm bath. A warm bath can ameliorate blood rotation and reduce muscle pain and stiffness. 

OTC pain relievers. Over-the-counter( OTC) nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines( NSAIDs), similar as ibuprofen( Advil, Motrin), naproxen( Aleve), and aspirin, can help relieve back pain and other types of pain associated with your period. 

Exercises. Staying active can ameliorate your rotation and relieve tight muscles. 

Gentle stretching. Regular stretching can help reduce back pain or help it from returning.  

Icebox. However, ice can help reduce inflammation, pain, If your back pain is the result of a muscle strain or injury. Ice packs work stylish in the first 48 hours after a muscle strain or injury. 

Pillow. Placing a pillow between your knees if you sleep on your side or under your knees if you sleep on your back can help relieve back pain and discomfort. 

Good lumbar support. Using a president with good lumbar support can help relieve back pain while sitting.



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