8 Reasons Your Lower Left Back Pain And When To See a Doctor:


8 Reasons Your Lower Left Back Pain And When To See a Doctor:


If you have back pain, it's best to see a doctor for an infection or a herniated disc.

  • The most common cause of lower reverse pain on the left side is muscle strain. 
  • Other causes of left reverse pain include order infection, herniated slice, and gestation. 
  • To treat left lower reverse pain, take OTC pain relievers, ameliorate your posture, and warm up. 


A pecking or palpitating pain in the lower left back can keep you from exercising and doing introductory conditioning for days. The good news is that it's presumably because you've strained some muscles or ligaments in your reverse, which will heal over time. 


But in some cases, unilateral reverse pain, similar to only the left side, signals a serious problem, similar to an infection or injury, that requires medical attention. 


Then are nine possible causes of left-wing sided back pain when you should see adoctor and how you can treat it yourself. 


1. Muscle strain: 

The most common cause of lower left back pain is injuries to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support the chine, similar to

  • A fall or other accident causing back trauma
  • A sudden twisting movement 
  • An uneven distribution of weight, such as when you're carrying a heavy bag on one shoulder.
  • Poor Posture.

2. Infection: 

An untreated UTI can lead to an advanced bladder infection or left kidney infection which can cause a constant, aching pain that radiates through your left lower back.

The best thing to do is to prevent UTIs by staying hydrated and peeing after sex, and treating symptoms right away using home treatment methods and/or antibiotics. 

If you have left lowerback pain and also have symptoms such as burning urination, fever, or chills, see your doctor as soon as possible to check for an infection, says Anthony Chiodo, MD, clinical director of Spinal Cord Injury Medicine at the University of Michigan.

3. Endometriosis:


 An undressed UTI can lead to a progressive bladder infection or left order infection, which can beget patient, paining pain that radiates to the left lower reverse. The stylish thing to do is to help UTIs by staying doused and urinating after coitus, and treating symptoms right down with home remedies and/ or antibiotics. still, fever or chills, see yourdoctor

as soon as possible to check for an infection, If you have left back pain and also have symptoms like urination. Endometriosis is a condition where a towel like the filling of the uterus grows outside the uterus. It can beget pain in the left side of the reverse, as well as severe cramping during periods and pain during intercourse. Endometriosis is a common condition that affects 1 in 10 women in the United States and can lead to fertility complications. The gold standard for diagnosing endometriosis is laparoscopic surgery, sodoctors

can see where the towel has spread. 


4. Stress fracture: 

Overtime, repetitious physical exertion, similar to lifting weights or playing sports similar to tennis, rowing, and slimnastics, can stress the chine, leading to a stress fracture. The area may hurt when you touch it, and the pain may be too severe to respond to untoward treatments. utmost cases heal on their own within six to eight weeks, but the only way to get a proper opinion is to get medical help. 



 In gestation further than two-thirds of pregnant women experience downward back pain, more generally called posterior pelvic pain. Posterior pelvic pain is a deep, palpitating pain you feel on one or both sides of your lower reverse. You'll also likely experience general muscle soreness in your reverse as the baby grows. This is because the baby's weight can push your center of graveness out of whack, which may bear you to compensate by working different muscles in your reverse. 


6. Sacroiliac common dysfunction:

Sacroiliac common dysfunction is when the joint that connects the hipsterism bones to the lower chine moves abnormally and becomes lit. Inflammation of the left hipsterism joint can beget a dull, painful pain in the left lower reverse that frequently accompanies the buttock or the reverse of the left upper ham. The condition can be a result of habitual or temporary stress. Threat factors include gestation, uneven leg length, or an accident similar to a fall. 


7. Herniated discs:

Lumbar discs, the bumper of the towel between each backbone in the lower chine, can bulge or compress during stress, causing a herniated slice. most people have no symptoms of a herniated slice, but some experience pain and impassiveness depending on the position of the slice. In rare cases, discs rupture or gash, causing severe pain and taking surgery to help endless whim-whams damage. still, or bowel or bladder dysfunction, go to the exigency room," If you have radiating leg pain or growing leg weakness. 




Although rare, spinal cancer or a spinal excrescence can beget pain on the left or right side of the reverse. Other symptoms may include unexplained weight loss, fever, impassiveness, weakness, or difficulty walking. still, it should be noted that this is a rare cause of reverse pain.



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