How can a sedentary lifestyle hinder loss belly fat progress?

Introduction: For many people who want to get healthier and look better, losing belly fat is a popular objective. Exercise and dietary modifications are usually given priority, but the contribution of a sedentary lifestyle to the reduction of belly fat is usually disregarded. This article will examine the impact of inactivity on the reduction of belly fat and offer practical solutions to mitigate its consequences. Knowing About Belly Fat Belly fat: what is it? There are two main types of belly fat: · The Epidemic of Sedentary Lifestyles · A Sedentary Lifestyle: What Is It? · Sitting or lying down for extended periods of time with little to no movement is referred to as a sedentary lifestyle. This can involve spending hours reading on social media, watching TV, or working at a desk. To what extent is inactivity prevalent? Sedent...